Monday, March 31, 2003

more blu/blu - from an am plane on brits - parently pilot was acting like a 'cowboy'. "Troops accused the pilot of "incompetence and negligence" while others privately called for a manslaughter prosecution"

sounds like colin has been taken (a couple of) lessons from gwb's speech coaches (@ AIPIC meeting)

hmmm - US soldiers given "a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush"
monday's thought du jour "Pray that the President and his advisers will be strong and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics" so help me god...

here is a good article about the chasm between pro/anti peace types... its a binary world, and i cant see (reasonably) the other view either...

heres the long awaited rummy/nyorker article... (from b4 dayzero)

ha ha - looks like the coals are very excited about bombing apparently old, stationery, unguarded planes sitting on airfields - showing the footage in the media briefing... i wonder if some freedom loving iraqis left them out there to be bombed by the coal to prove that they were being liberated

hitler's homeland

a brief analysis of the pro war argument

heres some new perspective on the 'woman hanged' story from our prezzzzzzz. some israqi guy says "I heard a story yesterday about a lady who tried to greet the U.S. forces," - next mo, the prez is telling the story as fact... sweet...

a list of (some of the) 15 media mistakes so far

"If that rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner doesn't stir you, I don't know what will," CNN's lead morning anchor, Paula Zahn.
"OK, so, a lot of negative questions there," said Fox's anchor, when the briefing was over. "But let's focus on the positive!"

another list of media claim/counter-claim/errors so far...

powell - launching a human reports report by country. is this the answer to "who's next?' 'we've tried to be objective and comprehensive'... its hard not being skeptical - will have to check...

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