Friday, March 19, 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: Luke
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 9:47 AM
Subject: lice

i was ranting yesterday about how i cant believe that peep wanna vote for bush - and how many lies the whole administration tells, and how i cant get my head around people not seeming to care.

heres another example of the mindset: "In the most recent example, then-EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman claimed last year that 94 percent of the nation's drinking water met or exceeded federal standards between 1999 and 2002. Despite her rosy pronouncement, a report by the EPA's inspector general last week found that Whitman was dead wrong, and the agency knew as much beforehand."

the truth just doesnt matter to them - it doesnt matter which agency, and it doesnt matter who gets hurt. lie about water safety? no problem. this is the same agency that told the world that downtown nyc was safe after 911 - simple, identifiable, provable, intentional bare-faced lies again. it just doesnt matter. the medicare bill out by $150bn within a couple of weeks of passing it. no problem. (i dont know if u saw the story that the guy was threatened with the sack *b4 the bill passed* if he spoke to the media). lie about going to war? no worries. uranium? sure. the economy? they simply backdate the start of the recession into the previous presidency. education stats in texas? just make em up. 911 investigation - we just wont show up (effectively). and there are literally hundreds of other examples. just pick a sector or policy area and u can draw up a list of egregious lies. (and thats w/out getting into any lukery speculation or extrapolation - or even interpretation - its all in the broadsheets). i cant imagine whats buried under the tip of the iceberg. what a thought.

and they have the audacity to run the 'kerry flipflops' line. and the crowds cheer. wot a fucking world. (in 2000 bush sed he wouldnt touch gay marriage, for example)

and all the while we have journalists reporting stuff like "we cant take fingerprints from the van cos the police fingerprints are all over the place" without the slightest hint of question.

its like they have taken the creationist 'argument' and just extrapolated it across every possible field of endeavour.

itll be fun to see what happens in the 911 commission - i think powell and rummy are up next week. or praps rummy and cheney. the anti-c.rice is still saying that she cant testify - as a 'matter of principle'. im glad she has some of those. and then of course gwb is gonna 'testify' - the media story is that he backed down on the 1 hour limit - but if u read the hysterical transcript of the ari2 briefing, its not exactly clear that scotty actually sed that - it seemed to me he was creating a 3rd option - whereby, unbelievably, he was positioning for the possibility that the 2 members of the inquiry who are cunducting out the interviews might actually run out of questions before the hour was done... ie gwb would answer all questions, *and* the session wont last longer than an hour.

speaking of ari2 - his brother has been nominated to head medicare/aid, but it is being blocked cos mark wont answer questions in front of the senate. ha. "McClellan, 40, a doctor and economist, now heads the Food and Drug Administration. In his new job, he'd administer the largest budget outside the Defense Department." he must be fucking good. at what age does one finish a med degree and an economic phd? i dont know how long he has been head of the fda. or maybe he is grab-your-ankles nepotism beneficiary. that doesnt necessarily augur well for his capacity to perform objectively... i wonder if it was he who ordered the cessation of madcow testing as soon as they found that first one... (heres his bio - nice to see the aei membership there, and curious that there arent any pre 2000 dates)

the king is live. short live the king.

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