Tuesday, June 22, 2004

i mentioned the other day the idea that the heat from the jetfuel didnt cause the wtc buildings to collapse.

just in time, we get a new report suggesting that the problem was with some testing in the 60's http://www.wtnh.com/Global/story.asp?S=1953291 (note the equivocal language) and simultaneuously we get report that police saw the building bending prior to the collapse. http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000087&sid=aCuh.ATdfOXc&refer=top_world_news

all 3 years later, all released at the same time as 911comm is coming to an end. nice.

its nice that they recreated the 96th floor. i wonder why they didnt recreate the floor at the break point. conspiracy theorists tend to think that there were actually explosives planted in the building beforehand. it seems there are reports of explosions just prior to the collapses, apparently verified by seismagraphs (sp?). 43's brother being head of the company in charge of wtc security doesnt help. nor does the fact that the prev weekend the power was shutdown for the whole building for some 'power upgrade' or some such, which means that theres no record from security cameras about who was in and out of the building sep 8 and 9.

and then theres the odd case of slarry silverstein saying on tv about the 911 afternoon "and then we decided to pull wtc7" - given that wtc7 hadnt been it, it was odd that the collapse was identical to the collapses of wtc 1 & 2.

theres only one wayne rooney! (for mlh, http://football.guardian.co.uk/euro2004/matchreport/story/0,14583,1244437,00.html)

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