Thursday, June 10, 2004

What Reagan Taught Bush
The top 10 lessons for counter-revolutionaries.

By David Lytel

Anyone old enough to remember the Reagan presidency is in shock. The right, because their hero has died; the left, because the eulogizing is so gloriously twisted and exaggerated it brings to mind Reagan himself, who never let the facts get in the way of a good story. If you missed the Reagan administration and need a crash course, here are the lessons that the Republicans learned from the Reagan presidency and have passed on to George W. Bush and America’s current rulers.

10. Even if tax cuts build a weaker America they build a stronger Republican party:

9. A President must take full responsibility for everything except mistakes and illegal activities:

8. While overt racism is unseemly, a Republican leader should signal to white-power proponents that he agrees with them:

7. Nations that assist the United States in its foreign policy goals can murder, torture, and imprison anyone necessary to maintain stability:

6. Bust unions whenever you can, because those people are a danger to the continued concentration of wealth and power in the hands of trust-fund Republicans.

5. The most effective way to please corporate contributors is to appoint regulatory chiefs who will undermine their agencies from within:

4. If defense policies serve only to tie corporate interests more closely to the Republican party without making the nation more secure, that’s good enough.

3. No global problem is too big to be ignored.

2. If you are affable, the commercial news media will judge you on your intentions rather than your actual results.

1. Boldly claim credit for major historic events and make it seem that you caused them:

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