Saturday, July 10, 2004

heres some news.

1. here are the sibel memos that have been reclassified (i may have already sent
it) sibel - heres an article
( that tries to put the
sibel thing into a turkey/terrorist/drug perspective. i dont know what to make
of the sibel story - she seems legit but her story is so isolated without any
apparent links to any other things that i cant make sense of it.

2. did i tell u the other day that cheney joined in the bash-latham thing? well,
he did. and today powell and rumsfeld were on the stage with Hill (head of oz
military) and downer (foreign minister) today - mostly announcing a joint deal
for starwars2. woohoo. i hope raytheon remembers leapyears or we might all be
saying an early 'gday' to st peter. and armitage got stuck in again (last night)
*disclosing* internal divisions within the opposition party here. noone here had
even heard of it before. its bad enuff when they all line up and take a shot re
iraq - but its getting absurd. it doesnt make me comfortable. i haevnt seen any
of them comment on any of the other pullouts.

* zarqawi doesnt exist. therefore everything they say about/from him has another
purpose. i wish it was just a part of the ridge/ashcroft fear dance, but the
purpose seems larger than that, and there are lots of dead people along the way.
one things for sure, someone is killing them all - i can only assume that its
mossad/cia /whoever. cnn helpfully tells us that the voice on the latest zarqawi
tape 'sounds like the voice on the last tape'.

* all the beheadings and beheading threats are being conducted by the same
people that pulled the sunberg trick. nearly all the sunberg conspiracy has
dropped off - apparently cos of the other beheadings. as far as i can tell, more
beheadings doesnt mean that the sunberg thing wasnt fake. all they apparently
had to do was kill a couple of foreigners in orange suits and blame it on zarq
and the whole problem just disappears. murduck is pushing the zarq story here -
the seemingly good news is that australia isnt getting a mention in zarqs enemy
lists. in fact, theres still no talk o' terror here at election time - despite
the madrid analogies and the threats in the US. spooky silence. the closest
thing i heard to a reference was mmoore saying that he hopes that howard gets
the same treatment as aznar. that comment mite come back to haunt him...

*More than 4000 scientists - including 48 Nobel Prize winners and 127 members of
the US National Academy of Sciences - have accused the Bush Administration of
distorting and suppressing science to suit its political goals.

* nytimes says it was roopert murderck himself who call in the nypost/gephardt

* another psycho judge appointed forever

* aussie military whistleblower (drugs): "The RAAF demoted him, claiming that
his previous promotion was an "administrative error".
some other aussie soldiers were thrown outta the army for torturing kittens.
meanwhile a paycho US pilot got fined $5k and kept his job when he blows 4
canadaian soldiers into the next realm - apparently he did it just for fun, and
in spite of orders.

* "An internal investigation by the Department of Health and Human Services
confirms that the top Medicare official threatened to fire the program's chief
actuary if he told Congress that drug benefits would probably cost much more
than the White House acknowledged."
- thats about $200 bn. apparently no crime was committed.

* so we've got to 1000 'coalition' deaths. aint that fucking sad. meanwhile
"And in April alone, U.S. forces killed as many as 4,000 people, the military
official said"
read that again.
remember that when you hear that of 10-12k iraqi civilian deaths, 4000 people
were killed in april - 14 months after the invasion.

* cheneys got some serious legal problems -

* "Let's keep it simple: Stupidity alone cannot account for George Bush's
behavior---especially when his behavior so well matches known pathologies. For
example, if an ordinary citizen believed he was being directed by God to attack
"the governments where the Bible happened...""

*courtney love got $150k bail. kenlay got $500k bail.

* advertent is my favourite word these days. "Military records that could help
establish President Bush's whereabouts during his disputed service in the Texas
Air National Guard more than 30 years ago have been inadvertently destroyed,
according to the Pentagon."

* nice touch from jfk:
"Asked how Edwards "described today as charming, engaging, a nimble campaigner,
a populist and even sexy" stacked up against Dick Cheney, Bush snapped, "Dick
Cheney can be president."
It took Kerry just a few hours to shoot back that Bush was right. "Dick Cheney
was ready to take over on day one, and he did and has been ever since, folks,
and that's what we have got to change."
lots of people seem to be coming to the idea that cheney is a) in charge b)
dangerous and evil. and most of them, dare i say, dont even begin to know the

* newspapers seem to be increasingly filled with scathing but scared articles
about 43 et al. even those that are feeding the machine can hardly bring
themselves to spout the lies without contempt.

Zarqawi is dead, long live Zarqawi.

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