Thursday, July 08, 2004

More than 4000 scientists - including 48 Nobel Prize winners and 127 members of the US National Academy of Sciences - have accused the Bush Administration of distorting and suppressing science to suit its political goals.

"Across a broad range of policy areas, the Administration has undermined the quality and independence of the scientific advisory system and the morale of the Government's outstanding scientific personnel," the scientists said in a letter on Thursday.

The Administration has often been accused of misusing science to further its policy aims.

The scientists cited examples of esteemed colleagues denied seats on advisory panels, apparently because of their political beliefs.

Gerald Keusch, who left his post at the National Institutes of Health as associate director for international research and director of the Fogarty International Centre, said the office of the Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy Thompson, had rejected 19 of his 26 candidates for the centre's board. Among the 19 was a Nobel laureate who, Dr Keusch said he was told, was turned down because his name had appeared in newspaper advertisements criticising the Administration for manipulating science.

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