Sunday, July 11, 2004

n America, the FBI has once again warned police to be on the lookout for scary Halloween characters, the Fredy Krugers and Jasons and Chuckies of al-Qaeda, another CIA-created Frankstein monster with a mission.

In a bulletin entitled “Fourth of July Threat Environment,” the FBI is once again mentions “people wearing loose-fitting clothes or jackets even in hot weather, exposed wires under clothing, strange chemical odors or sweating and mumbling of prayers. It said suicide bombers may try to disguise themselves in military or police uniforms or pose as pregnant women,” reports the My Way web site.

Let’s face it. Bush and the FBI and John Ashcroft as Dracula want to wreck your holiday. If it’s not booby trapped beer coolers, it’s inner tubes at Water World packed with explosives and ball bearings. Point is you have to be scared. Point is if they do this enough—and if it pays off this summer of autumn as they keep telling us (Condi said the terr’ists would have to be crazy not to attack us now, right before the election Bush needs help winning or stealing), you can bet the farm Bush will demand a rally and flag-waving and a fresh influx of “detainees” (read: torture victims) in his ever-expanding Dante-like inferno of secret gulags. Remember what Tommy Franks said: if al-kay-duh strikes again, you will be expected to demand Bush and Crew get rid of that pesky Bill of Rights. It stands to reason, Ben Franklin’s admonition about security not withstanding.

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