Wednesday, August 04, 2004

* 43 "Knowing what I know today, we still would have gone on into Iraq. We still would have gone to make our country more secure. He had the capability of making weapons. He had terrorist ties. The decision I made was the right decision."
are our president learning?

* " The president went out into the Rose Garden, said he was adopting the commission's proposals. But in fact he was doing close to the opposite, doing more or less what they said shouldn't be done."

* the lori hacking thing is funny. one mite imagine that they need another scottpeterson - when scott gets off, they still need to be able to justify the laci/connor bill. given the amount of fauxnews we see these days, i even considered whether they just found a dupe called 'Hacking' and set him up. looks like they found a doozy. if u know anyone named "Murderer" or "MuslimConvert" or some such, tell em to be careful.

* 'its not called leadership if no-one follows'

* rumsfeld re obl "time is on our side"

* "President Bush's re-election campaign insisted on knowing the race of an Arizona Daily Star journalist assigned to photograph Vice President Dick Cheney... the information was needed for security purposes."

* " President Bush on Friday announced his intention to make 20 appointments during the congressional recess"

* "Even among the scientists and technicians at Florida's Kennedy Space Center, Kerry paid tribute Monday to "the higher power." "More physicists and more and more scientists, the more they learn in some ways the less they know about some things and the more they believe in that power," Kerry said." jfk also recently sed that life begins at conception. more and more bushlite. fuck.

* "Powell Interviewed in Novak Leak Case" (or wapo's innoccuous headline: "Powell Gave Statement to Grand Jury" )

* speaking of innocuous wapo headlines "Kerry Pledges Iraq Troop Cut Within 4 Years" vs the actual quote "I will have significant, enormous reduction in the level of troops,"

* we need riots, not a fucking faux election.

* kudus for KR "On September 8, 2002, the Times proclaimed in a front-page headline, "U.S. Says Hussein Intensified Quest for A-Bomb Parts." Knight Ridder had two days earlier proclaimed, "Lack of hard evidence of Iraqi weapons worries top U.S. officials." Knight Ridder continued with headlines like "Troubling questions over justification for war in Iraq" and "Failure to find weapons in Iraq leads to intelligence scrutiny," even as most other major media outlets sang a tune more in line with the Bush administration."

* "Now with President Bush advocating an Intelligence Czar, consistent with the proposal made by the 9-11 Commission but without real hiring and budgetary authority, Woolsey is on a short list being discussed for that job." if woolsey gets the job, we are all fucked-er.

* sibel 'Naming Names' in letter to 911comm. (must read) "I find the report seriously flawed in its failure to address serious intelligence issues that I am aware of, which have been confirmed, and which as a witness to the commission, I made you aware of. Thus, I must assume that other serious issues that I am not aware of were in the same manner omitted from your report. These omissions cast doubt on the validity of your report and therefore on its conclusions and recommendations."

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