Wednesday, September 29, 2004

cooked bread is toast

* roonaldo is amazing. champsleague debut hattrick. sweet.

* apparently blair runs to run his campaign on domestic issues...

* jackstraw shook mugabes hand. straw: 'i didnt know it was him, cos of the lighting'

* "Depending on who is counting, the court is one vote or two away from overturning Roe v. Wade , the three-decade-old ruling that affirmed the legality of abortion."

* and to prove that AP is a whore org, the article above includes this handy resource at the bottom of the story for kiddies who wanna read more about judicial nominations and such:
"On the Net:
Committee for Justice:
Alliance for Justice:"

ap just outfoxed fox. who'd have thought. kerrys scary. and the site depicts him as frankenstein. astonishing. even for me.

* "The same intelligence unit that produced a gloomy report in July about the prospect of growing instability in Iraq warned the Bush Administration about the potential costly consequences of an American-led invasion two months before the war began." its getting increasingly difficult to believe they didnt actually *plan* for the apparent stuffup in iraq.

* apparently jon stewart isnt watched by stoners after all - well, at least not uneducated stoners... (from g)

* xymph on the latest alq murder in pak 'It's like ordering pizza.'

* surely they wouldnt dial 4 obl in october. but faux are doing lots of wheresusama? and obl:deadoralive? bits... the only reason i havent believed theyd actually do it was for the sheer gall of it... i should have learnt that lesson a while ago...

* inadvertent irony " "That's what the terrorists are watching, they're watching us like hawks," Bush said."

* this was inevitable but damn effective in bizarro land. "Bush said, "He probably could spend 90 minutes debating himself." btw - if whoregiuliani doesnt stop rolling out the flipflop thing with a shiteating grin like he's clever or something then ill scream.

* damn effective in bizarro land: "_The Republican National Committee (news - web sites), pressing its contention that Kerry has flip-flopped on Iraq and other issues, set up a Web site ( that purportedly lists Kerry's changes of position. It features a dolphin swimming across the top of the screen with bubbles rising and theme music from the 1960s television series "Flipper.""

* the windsurfing ad was also terrific in bizarro land.

* compare it to jfk "Kerry told his Wisconsin audience not to be wary of changing horses midstream — if the horse is drowning. "May I also suggest that we need a taller horse? You can get through deeper waters that way," he said, a reference to his five-inch height advantage over Bush."

* krug "Let's face it: whatever happens in Thursday's debate, cable news will proclaim President Bush the winner."

* murdoch is all over latham. negative banner headline every day.

* we dont negotiate with terrorists. except to free hostages. which probably means a payoff. which probably means we are financing terrorism.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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