Monday, September 27, 2004

insurgents internments

* will everyone with the name 'islam' be arrested? spurned and interned? or 'yusuf'? or 'ahmed'? my name is alla. bring it on.

* daniel pearls wife is really hot.

* the patriot act was written pre 911

* bush on terror. kerry on economy.

* btw - didja see the nyport authority is suing saudi re 911? i wonder if ubercreep baker will defend the saudis again.

* btw - more bush guard records released on fri arvo (again). this is *at least* the 5th time they've found new doucments after having 'released them all'. remember me laughing at the '2 inch document dump' thingy a while back?

* ftr - here is - which has bush 307, jfk 207. i dont know anything abuot the site's cred. tradesports has kerry > 2/1

* kerry is 5 points behind gore in ca. and bush down just 1.3%

* why doesnt kerry talk abuot the bush reduction in soldier danger pay at the start of the war?

* qn 4 43: "If Andrew Card came to you in that Florida classroom and told you that your family had been carjacked on September 11, would you still have sat there for seven minutes (ed: 30min) and done nothing?"

* this is a funny article about kerry. count the ways they undermine him - from the headline to the story appended below.

* nyt doing the same agin: "IN boxing terms, you could say a matchup between John Kerry and George W. Bush is a classic case of a dancer vs. a puncher: Mr. Kerry flicks around the periphery of issues. Mr. Bush pounds right through them." Even faux is quoting this story.

* the jihadmin makes even mugabe sound sensible "We are now being coerced to accept and believe that a new political-cum-religious doctrine has arisen, namely that there is but one political God, George W Bush, and Tony Blair is his prophet," Mr Mugabe said to scattered applause at the UN headquarters."

* btw - News of the world is a murdoch paper. they got 4 errorists arrested in the uk.

* oreilly on the oreilly/43 interview: 'there are some people you cant go hardball on. the president u cant. the pope u cant'

* "To be fair, it seems increasingly clear that George W. Bush keeps ordering the US military to attack in such situations, against the better judgment of his own officers. So if the US had been in Basra, Bush would have in fact insisted on turning it into a war zone and alienating its 1.3 million Shiites." if we assume for the minute that the first sentence is true (the source is well-respected) - then it seems that those orders are either for 1) domestic political concerns 2) trying to create ww3 (or civil war (in iraq, not the US))- and i dont really think its #1.

* "Yet almost lost to Western eyes in the focus on the beheading and the other foreign hostages was the killing of two Sunni clerics in separate incidents in Baghdad Sunday and Monday. Iraq experts fear those killings could feed the kind of religious strife that some forces - including Zarqawi - have sought to provoke.
"Foreign guerrillas killing Iraqi Salafis [conservative, anti-Western Muslims] to provoke Iraqi-on-Iraqi Sunni-Shiite violence is among the few scenarios that make any sense," says Juan Cole, an Iraq specialist at the University of Michigan."

* joe biden shuold get more tv time - he just got interviewed on faux - chris wallace (?) signed off the interview - 'u should really be on decaf'

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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