Thursday, September 16, 2004

whats the frequency?

* "It was clear from the first question out of Matt Lauer's mouth that the White House had decided it was better to have Lauer try and kill the messenger than to have General Electric make Kitty Kelley disappear from the Today Show interview list." why do they give her 3 consecutive days?

* "The dominant thinking seems to be that if the documents were forged, they were leaked in an effort to harm Bush. But it is worth considering another possibility: the Bush team itself may have "leaked" the forged documents."

* ap headline "Bush Gains, but Not With Swing Voters"

* billoreilly kept using the word 'juice' in a segment about soros.

* my parenting score was 33% higher yesterday

* "Rumsfeld says journalists have received tip-offs from terrorists of impending attacks in Iraq, singling out Al-Jazeera television as "Johnny-on-the-spot a little too often for my taste"."

* "Why is the antiwar movement in disarray? The most obvious answer is the Anybody But Bush phenomenon. The personalization of the war around George Bush has created a misguided belief among many people who oppose the war and the imperial drive it represents that this war will somehow end if Bush and his cohorts are given their walking papers."

* lax "Three pairs of jets came close enough to set off cockpit alarms after air traffic communications shut down because of the failure to do routine maintenance on a radio system" (and the backup failed),1413,200~20943~2404296,00.html

* "Winfrey said airlines and passengers were lucky the outage occurred on a Tuesday after Labor Day, when business was relatively slow.",1,6130615.story?coll=la-headlines-california

* (i dont read too much into this - but im a bit curious after those recent 'bird on a wire / local restaurant garbage ' shutdowns

* sharon pulls outta the RogueMap

* deadly west bank day in 2 years - i only saw it on the local media

* "The Pentagon's last hope of flight-testing critical new elements of an antimissile system, before activating the system this autumn, appeared to vanish yesterday with the disclosure that the next flight test has been postponed until late this year, well past the November election.
The Air Force general in charge of the program said the setback will not affect plans to begin operating the system in the next month or two. But the delay leaves the Pentagon pressing ahead with a system that will not have been flight-tested in nearly two years -- and never with the actual interceptor that will be deployed.
The Pentagon's chief weapons evaluator has calculated that the system may be capable of hitting its targets only about 20 percent of the time." hmmm truly astonishing. and scary. read the article. ftr the MDS is basically a space-based patriot thing. and the patriots have a sub 10% success rate. wot sort of disaster are they trying to create?

* kofi called the iraq war 'illegal'

* "In tacit recognition of the ugly realities, the Bush administration on Tuesday announced that it's asking Congress to shift almost $3.5 billion from Iraqi reconstruction projects to improve security.
The funds would be used to train more Iraqi police and security forces, boost oil production, reduce Iraq's debt and prepare for the elections. The money would come from funds earmarked for the reconstruction of water, sewage and electricity services, although officials said there would be sufficient amounts left to continue those efforts." didja catch that one - buried in there? money from reconstruction to pay foriegn debt, for security reasons. a good article from our kr friends however.

* "But counterinsurgency specialists say the Bush administration appears to be caught in a trap that's afflicted many foreign occupiers in centuries past: Too little military force allows rebels to flourish, but too much causes a popular backlash and increases grass-roots support for the insurgents." this line is getting repeared again and again. dbrooks at nyt did it as well. all just warming up for something bigger one imagines.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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