Monday, October 11, 2004

vote often

* can we leave yet?

* 3 weeks to go - something tells me history will hardly recall what has happened up to this point...

* "A loudspeaker blaring at 2:40 a.m. was taken by one marine as a call to arms from a mosque - not uncommon in such raids - until he was laughingly corrected: The sound was in fact a US psychological operations unit blasting pro-coalition messages." this is some normal town. who knew we were trying to win hearts and minds and ears and dreams by blasting propaganda in the middle of the night? can we leave yet?

* heres a question - what would it take to get the red 'decideds' to change their vote to blue? what if there were say 10,000 amgrunts dead? or if halliburtons nobid was $50bn? how bout if we'd already invaded syria and there were no wmd there either? how bout if there were 10,000 innocents at gitmo? how about if both oz and uk withdrew and called the whole thing illegal? what if the $cost was $500bn? probably none of those things.

* if someone from the egadmin says these words "first, he voted for something..." the crowd starts tittering with nervous excitement about the rest of the sentence... they kinda know whats coming, but they cant wait to hear it again... its all very odd. i can imagine them turning to their neighbour with a knowing smile and a disbelieving shake of the head, as soon as they hear those words... drooling pavlovianism.ism.ism. giggling in delicious anticipation. and not that they ever made sense with their flipflopping charge - but its got really into absurdoland - they say stuff like 'first he said saddam was bad, and now he reckons we arent winnging the peace' flip.flop.flip.flop.

* Greg Palast "In 2000, three elections were stolen at the last minute, in Yugoslavia, Peru and the United States, on the vote count. And in Peru and Yugoslavia, people took to the streets, shut down the country and said we are not, this country is shut down, no work until the guy who got the most votes takes office. It happened in two of the three countries and only in the United States did people say, "Oh well, let's move on.""

* im really not sure how we got into this mess
Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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