Thursday, October 14, 2004

You can run (a wire), but you cannot hide (it under your jacket).

* ya know how cheney pointed to to back his halliburton claims, even tho factcheck didnt make the case that cheney attributed to them (and actually denied cheneys point)? it turns out that the nationaljournal - the people who did the 'most liberal' rankings which has jonk @ #1 - have also repudiated the case that the cadmin is making, based on their own work. "its disconcerting because the shorthand used to describe our ratings of Kerry and Edwards is sometimes misleading -- or just plain wrong."

* tuff times at karstadt

* "President Bush is launching a focus on Western battlegrounds with no sign that the biting rhetoric he has aimed at Democratic challenger John Kerry in recent days is as aggressive as it's going to get." HE"S A LIBERAL. YOU CAN RUN BUT CANT HIDE. HE'S GONNA TAX YOU. THATS WHAT LIBERALS DO. HE CAN RUN, BUT NOT HIDE.

* "President Bush's special envoy, James Baker, who has been trying to persuade the world to forgive Iraq's crushing debts, is simultaneously working for a commercial concern (carlyle, of course) that is trying to recover money from Iraq... One international lawyer described the consortium's scheme as "influence peddling of the crassest kind"." is there no end?

* "But to Christian conservatives who have long viewed the Dred Scott decision as a parallel to the 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling legalizing abortion, the president's historical reference was perfectly logical — and his message was clear." dredscott=conorpeterson,1,6356167.story

* "O'Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit" waaaaaah - go read. creepy.

* "The U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq has been the “most misguided” policy since the Vietnam War, according to an open letter signed by some 500 U.S. national-security specialists."

* "You can run (a wire), but you cannot hide (it under your jacket)." "Technical expert: Bush was wired"

* "Media largely ignored LA Times report of Bush administration plans to delay major Iraq combat until after presidential election"

* btw - i keep hearing in the media 'tonybliar apologised for the war - why cant angrybush?' - but of course, tb only apologised that the intelligence was wrong... sorry.

* ill try some liveblogging later.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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