Monday, October 11, 2004


* i might play a solo-drinking game for the next debate - ill take a drink every time bush says something accurate.

* "When Bush was on Oprah Winfrey's show four years ago, Oprah asked whether he'd ever had moments of "self-doubt." Bush was flummoxed and stammered that he wished he'd had advance warning about the question."

* ha ha "A German court has ruled that a regional ban on Muslim teachers wearing headscarves in public schools must also apply to Christian nuns, news weekly Der Spiegel has reported."

* drudge is saying that chrisreeves is dead. just days after the jonk mentioned him. is mjfox feelin nervous?

* this is the title of a story on the front page of the age 'Man robbed near internet cafe'

* what sort of october are we gonna have? think about how frequently theyve issued terror alerts in the past when things havent been going well for them - nice to see they are keeping the powder dry. krove will have the next 3 weeks planned to the hour.

*'s blog 'Colin Powell Has Been Speaking The Truth Lately.'

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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