Tuesday, November 30, 2004

been caught stealing. dunce.

* icrc: 'gitmo treatment is tantamount to torture'. genmyers: 'its just one groups opinion'. lukery: 'whats the difference between 'tantamount to torture' and 'torture'?

* is it possible to imagine the words 'canada' and 'riotpolice' in the same sentence without the words 'president bush' also in that sentence?

* did 43 make a joke that his opponents dont have 5 fingers???

* cnn said there were hundreds of protestors in canada - with "one protestor holding a sign saying 'please leave'" - no mention of the riotpolice. fair&balanced eh.

* oz's premiere current affairs program did a show on zarq last night. they didnt mention that 1) he is a sex offender 2) he can grow limbs 3) he doesnt exist

* blackwell 'elvis is dead'.

* btw - many of the questions about amfraud wrt exitpolls might be easily dismissed if they actually released the exitpoll data. but they wont for some reason.

* "Colombia's government today backpedalled on a sensational claim made by the defense minister that Marxist rebels wanted to assassinate President Bush... he had either misspoken or been misunderstood..." yada http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/headline/world/2923210

Four more years. Seriously.

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