Monday, November 15, 2004

the drugs dont work

* "Human rights experts said Friday that American soldiers might have committed a war crime on Thursday when they sent fleeing Iraqi civilians back into Falluja." yeah. maybe.

* " Iraqi authorities have fired thousands of police officers and taken over the recruiting of new policemen"

* olbermann goes on holidays. which seems odd. but prolly isnt.

* "I work with statistics and polling data every day. Something rubbed me the wrong way. I checked the exit polls for Florida--all wrong. CNN's results indicated a Kerry win: turnout matched voter registration, and independents had broken 59% to 41% for Kerry."

* "The federal agency investigating the collapse of the World Trade Center said this week that some of its deliberations would take place in secret"

* "An executive at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center, has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse. "

* "On a lighter note, it is hard to avoid observing that al-Baghdadi castigated Bush's administration as "fundamentalist" and "right-wing." When even the Sunni Salafis of Mosul consider you too fundamentalist and right-wing, you have probably gone too far."

* "The Saudi authorities have warned the government that British companies will receive no further contracts from the Gulf state if any member of the royal family is embarrassed by the investigation into alleged accounting irregularities in contracts between BAE Systems, Britain’s largest defence contractor, and two travel agency firms.",,1-1358673,00.html

* "The British government knew about the alleged plot to overthrow the President of Equatorial Guinea at least five weeks before a group of mercenaries was arrested in March for planning the coup." markthathcher. jeffreyarcher. petermandelson. nice bunch.,6903,1350955,00.html

* "Osama bin Laden now has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans, says the former head of the CIA unit charged with tracking down the Saudi terrorist."

* heres an update on that anthrax story...
" When a federal judge recently halted the military's mandatory anthrax vaccine program, Air Force Reserve Capt. Paul Staquet assumed his troubles had ended. He was wrong.
The day the judge ruled, Staquet, a 33-year-old C-5 Galaxy pilot assigned to Dover Air Force Base, received a letter in the mail from his commanding officer. "I have initiated administrative separation actions against you," the letter stated."

* "Instead, the panel found that human error, defensiveness and a failure to follow some fundamental scientific practices, such as proper peer review, led to four of the nation's top fingerprint experts wrongly tying Brandon Mayfield, a Portland-area lawyer and a Muslim, to the madrid bombings.",1,7045689.story?coll=chi-printnews-hed

Four more years. Seriously.

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