Sunday, November 21, 2004

if you're happy and disarmed, clap your hands. if you're happy and disarmed, clap your hands

* every blogging genius will soon pretend they are experts in hexafluoride.

* "Consumer groups and the beef industry in the United States were yesterday attempting to avert any public panic over food supplies after officials at the Department of Agriculture revealed on Thursday that they had uncovered a possible case of BSE." i wonder what vennemans next job is.

* "Sen. John McCain skewered the Air Force on the Senate floor Friday for its pursuit of a contract to acquire tanker aircraft from Boeing, accusing its leaders of incompetence or corruption."

* "Now that Canada's broadcast regulator has approved the addition of the Fox News Network to the digital TV dial, Canadians might finally understand why so many of its American fans are convinced that weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, that Saddam and Al Qaeda were linked, and that the world approved of the U.S.'s attack on the country."

* wapo does an internetconspiracy vfraud article. i wonder when someone will actually write a non-debunking article. just for fun.

* brd - no more trips to iran...

* the chile protests are either 'thousands' or 'tens of... ' depending on the media channel

* "According to Zogby, it (exitpolls) would have required "wrong sampling in wrong areas throughout the country," or the purposeful manipulation of data to obtain exit poll results so significantly different from the official totals. He viewed neither as a possibility. When asked what exactly had happened then, Zogby replied, "a problem, but I don't know where it is ... something's wrong here, though.""

* "If the negative attitude of the press regarding whether or not election fraud exists, would be applied across the board to other crimes, I dare say the press coverage of not only the Scott Peterson case, but many a highly publicized crime in America would have been greatly quieted!"

Four more years. Seriously.

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