Friday, November 12, 2004

Lead em and weep

* "Michael Scheuer, whose book "Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror" was signed as "anonymous" and published this summer, will resign effective Friday after 22 years at the Central Intelligence Agency."

* fallujah score 18/5/500. i wonder what the real score is.congratulations you murderous fucks. and for what purpose? to get zarq? and wheres the fucking outrage? its so disgusting. have we won yet? can we leave yet? shame shame. luckt 'the streets are mostly empty' - cos that means we arent killing the 100+k civilians right? even as we blow up apartment buildings. and shoot anyone on sight. and the pentagonpropaganda movies on tv are foul. responsible networks would refuse to show any of it. and who but the orwellian repug framing machine could have sanitised the talkinghead language so effectively? responsible networks would refuse to say any of it. wither mention of the geneva conventions wrt, say, proportionality? or collective punishment? for starters. or even the math on the reported figures - 50000 innocents, 3000 terrorists. and yet in our proud legal system we brag that we'd rather see 9 guilty people set free than falsely charge an innocent man. great. but killing innocent darkies elsewhere is fine - and one can be sure that the equation wouldnt change if there was only half the 'insurgents' and twice the civillians. and despite the language, no-one ever thought it would be a final solution. in which case it may have been, in some logics, 'worthwhile'.

* wheres jonk? ...inevitable skull/bones, early/soft concession suspicions floating around

* since the election ive been ranting about how the *only* thing the dems need to fix is the truth gap - not in the historical sense of the generalised (i assume) 'uneducated voter', but in the specific sense of important, verifiable and important issues - cf saddam911wmd and i outlandishly suggested it was worth a 20 point swing to jonk. there was an outstanding issue about whether the 51% would have voted for bush regardless - here are some numbers that partially complete that picture: "This election, their truth was of a misinformed cadre of Bush supporters. Days before the election, 72 percent of Bush supporters surveyed still believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Despite the 9/11 Commission's findings to the contrary, 75 percent believed Iraq was providing substantial support for al-Qaida. Fifty-eight percent said we should not have gone to war if no such weapons existed and if Iraq was not supporting al-Qaida." 2 obvious interesting questions are 'would it change yer vote?' and 'didja know that the cadmin lied about these things?' but to keep it simpler, lets put aside the lying issue for the mo. and lets assume that theres a pretty heavy overlap between the 72% and the 75% (!) - its not difficult to imagine 15% of them changing their mind and voting for the other guy - giving jonk a 20 point swing. in fact, theres a temporal element as well - cos if those 75% of bushpeople knew from way back when it was orginally generally 'knowable' that neither of these things were true, then all the media consumed in the interim takes on a completely different flavour as people recognise that he is trying to link these events when we, and he, knows that its untrue. theres probably a genuine base of say 25% who would vote for him regardless, but the truth gap issue still seems to be the most significant by orders of magnitude. and hence all of the other inevitable advice thats being thrown around is near meaningless. my advice is brilliant. everyone else is stupid. but seriously, am i right? (ignoring the votefraud issue for the mo) im certainly not saying that the dems are doing everything right - far from it - but this issue seems to trump all others - and as far as i can tell, thats where their attention needs to be - cos itll happen again. i dont know what the answer is - but until they solve it, they wont ever win another election.

Four more years. Seriously.

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