Sunday, November 21, 2004

president bodyguard

* the idea that marghassan wasnt killed by terrorists is getting a fair bit of traction

* jonk has released an odd video - it seems it is webonly... no media release.

* a lot of people are bummed/furious to learn that jonk has $51m - or $15m depending on how u count it apprently - the relevant # seems to be $15m of pure burnable $ - separate to $7m in recount/legal fund... absent some reasonable explanation, these peeps appear very well justified in being furious. combined with the 'early' concession, and absense since the election, it may not surprise to hear that there is more skullbones theorising... i dont really have a theory yet - in the video he says "we *will* count every vote" - given that it was an internet only speech, theres some indication that he is trying to walk a tightrope, and he's actually on the job, and wanted to let the internauts keep up hope, but cant come out in the msm until there is more evidence... that seems a little tenuous, or praps simply dangerously misguided, if not conceivably understandable. one imagines that he could otherwise simply mention the recounts in the msm without doing himself much collateral damage - its presumably not anti-democratic to suggest that voters ought to be able to have faith in the process and thats why the recounts are being done - which is a line that some journos have taken. incl nyt ed.

* "The IDF believes that Iran is running a secret nuclear weapons program in parallel to the one it had agreed this week to temporarily suspend."

* "Fallujah Video has congressman calling for reporter ban... "We should not be providing the Al-Jazeera the kind of propaganda they've had the last couple of three days.""

* "Insurgents battling U.S. and Iraqi forces in the northern city of Mosul have been trying to drag the Kurdish minority into their fight and set off a sectarian war, Kurdish and Arab officials say."

* more on boeing with the anodyne headline 'Air Force Pitch for Boeing Detailed'

* if the egadmin stole the election, and they won by 3.5m votes, how many votes do u reckon they stole?

* "How can you have a meaningful election in a country where, according to polls, half or more of the American people don't know who attacked us on 9/11?... 60 percent of Bush supporters said the US should not have initiated a war with Iraq unless evidence established that Iraq had WMDs and was supporting the Al Qaeda terrrorists. "

* matt taibi announces 'worst campaign journo' winner - its our frined lizzy bumiller

Four more years. Seriously.

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