Monday, November 08, 2004

Re: FW: GRAND THEFT 2004 : RE-VOTE OR REVOLT! Call your representatives!

its true - the exit polls performed admirably well - everywhere except where they use these optical scanner thingies - which curiously arent actually evoting machines, but they tabulate paper voting thingies - which means that there actually is paper record. the counties using these machines showed a 5-15% swing - always to bush. (according to the story anyways - i havent run the data) - heres one source of the data across states

the story apparently looks the same within florida when u look at the opticalscan vs nonoptical scan counties. or here

this is nader in his letter to sec of state "We have received reports of irregularities in the vote reported on the AccuVote Diebold Machines in comparison to exit polls and trends in voting in New Hampshire. These irregularities favor President George W. Bush by 5% to 15% over what was expected. Problems in these electronic voting machines and optical scanners are being reported in machines in a variety of states."

there are also a bunch of reports from counties registered say 70% dems which vote 80% repugs.

and heres your mate jeff fisher

im not sure which stories are valid and which ones are noise. some of the mainstream liberal bloggers are a little bit skeptical - i dont think joshmarshall has even mentioned it. i actually wrote to him for the first time today about the fact that not only was the fl early exit poll 51-48 to jonk (on tue) - which may have been a margin of error issue - but that 43 was way behind to begin - with 30% of people already voted. i havent seen anyone else make this point - but it seems to way increase the argument. (the official 'exitpolls' were on tue only.)

the other thing to remember is that people really trust exit polls. they never seem to be wrong. and interantional poll monitors tell us that access to ampolling facilities is worse than they find in khazikstan. and its an international standard to 'verify' polls by comparing the result to exit polls.

heres the reality - regardless of what individual investigations show - if they could steal the election, no-one doubts that they would try to do it. and they have exactly the ability to do it, and the access. a group of repug-related companies who fought to not have an audit trail - and the companies are inter-related - 2 of the four are run by brothers (who think that the bible ought usurp the constitution) and they have interlocking shareholdings. theres a large swathe of the population who thought that the election would be invalid, and presumably a large swathe who beleive that the egadmin would juggle terror alerts or even actually implement a faux terrorist case to win the election - surely its also true that the people who would stoop so low would fix the machines if they could. and they could. bevharris showed howard dead on national tv how easy it would be. and theres not a non-gop computer person on the planet who thinks that the election could be hijacked by a large swathe of teenagers. jeepers - orrin hatch (?) was actually recruited from one of these companies - and theres an astonishing history of 'amazing' evote results - with swings of 15+% from election eve polls - all favouring repugs. the only thing stopping them is integrity...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam
Subject: FW: GRAND THEFT 2004 : RE-VOTE OR REVOLT! Call your representatives!
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 00:26:21 -0500

> This from my new friend Jeff Fisher.
> I repasted below what I think is the most clear and damaging factoid,
> although I have not been able to find any independent documentation of
> this claim.
> "The exit polls matched the paper ballot vote totals with 100% accuracy,
> yet where electronic machines were used, the totals were off, and though
> the exit polls favored Kerry, the final vote totals- which clearly
> exceed the number of actual votes cast- suddenly favored Bush?"
> Oh Luke, greater searcher of the internet and knower of all knows.find
> me the stats on the discrepancy between the paper vs electronic
> vis-a-vis exit polls! Source this data and I'll rally the troops for an
> all out assault that will make Falluja look like batting practice (well,
> you know what I mean)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Fisher []
> Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 11:57 PM
> To: a

> Subject: GRAND THEFT 2004 : RE-VOTE OR REVOLT! Call your
> representatives!
> The establishment politicians in Washington seem to be completely
> unwilling to recognize the need to fight for the right to vote. After
> all the money the average people poured into their campaigns, they no
> longer have an excuse to ignore the will of the people!
> The electronic voting machines in Ohio and Florida were hacked on a
> massive scale, inflating the Bush vote totals to numbers higher than the
> actual number of people who showed up to vote! The exit polls matched
> the paper ballot vote totals with 100% accuracy, yet where electronic
> machines were used, the totals were off, and though the exit polls
> favored Kerry, the final vote totals- which clearly exceed the number of
> actual votes cast- suddenly favored Bush?
> This it total bullshit, and we should not tolerate this silence!
> Establishment leaders are just trying to use these fake election results
> as an excuse to angle for power over the party's platform! They're not
> being responsive, but they have an OBLIGATION TO THE PEOPLE!
> Look up your representatives and tell them Ohio and Florida were
> hacked and you DEMAND a paper ballot revote!

Four more years. Seriously.

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