Saturday, November 20, 2004

roadmap to pieces

* "Highly-charged, jam-packed hearings held here in Columbus have cast serious doubt on the true outcome of the presidential election."

* "How Ohio pulled it off By J. Kenneth Blackwell" in MoonieTimes

* Keith Olbermann is at - one wonders why he is on holiday given that he is parently working hard anyway. i wonder if his blog gets the audience of his tv show...

* "The powerful conservative news media played an important role, too, in setting the stage for these ongoing purges. Conservative columnists, including Robert Novak and David Brooks, pushed the dubious claim that the CIA’s only rightful role is to serve the president. They accused the CIA of disloyalty in trying to sabotage Bush."

* cuba is toast

* " Iraqi forces, backed by U.S. soldiers, stormed a key Sunni Muslim mosque in Baghdad after Friday prayers, opening fire and killing at least three people" cwly?

* ""After crying wolf for so long about Iraq, how are we going to have any credibility on Iran?" said Rep. Gary L. Ackerman of New York, who recently returned from a trip to the Middle East. "People in the Arab world won't believe it and say we have a bad track record and just want to invade another country in the Middle East. How do we expect anybody to believe us, even if we know it's true? This is the disaster we created for ourselves in *lying* about Iraq."" go read. total groundhogging. dejavu all over again. wheres bolton? iran is toast.,0,2210169.story?coll=la-home-headlines

* " the official with the Red Cross does claim that the 800 number (dead civs in flujar) is the most conservative estimate they would put out to the media at this time. However, he did go on to say in that interview that this is extremely conservative... he expects that number to be far, far higher."

* "National Lawyers Guild Urges Senate to Reject Alberto Gonzales as Attorney General"

* "Hadley, who worked for both Cheney and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz during President George H.W. Bush's administration, has argued for broadening the use of nuclear weapons to include deterrence against "weapons of mass destruction." In one paper, he wrote that it was often "an unstated premise" in nuclear arms debates that such weapons may only be used for deterrence. But he added: "I am not sure this unstated premise is true."" he also worked with woolsey.,1,2271071.story

Four more years. Seriously.

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