Tuesday, November 30, 2004

stay the courts

* "Hersh's message is simple and frightening: "(George W.) Bush is an ideologue, a Utopian," Hersh said. "He wants to clean out the Middle East and install democracy. He doesn't care how many body bags come back home. There's nothing more dangerous than an ideologue who is completely bonkers and no one is going to tell him."
President Bush is committed to perpetual war, Hersh said."

* clinton lied about sex and is hated for it. jesus' mum lied about having sex and they love her for it. go figger.

* the media coverage of ukr is funny. if they show 'blue' supporters, they are always ugly and gathered in groups of tens. when they show orange supporters we see heaps of them. and the media sometimes describes orange support using the odd phrase 'hundreds and thousands of supporters'

* why did bushs team agree to three debates? i dunno.

* "Did Dubbya rig the election? by Michael Meacher" (he is a britMP) http://www.newstatesman.com/site.php3?newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200411290018

* Katrina vanden Heuvel does the am/ukr vfraud thing. "A Russian friend once said to me, "You Americans are an odd people. You love our liberals, but you don't like your own liberals." He added, "You should support your local liberals too."" http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?pid=2034

Four more years. Seriously.

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