Wednesday, February 09, 2005

revoking purple bandaids

* "Conyers Criticizes President's Budget for Snubbing Veterans, Slashing Law Enforcement, and for Turning his Back on Vicitms, Civil Rights, and Election reform" is he the bizziest man in showbiz?

* i dont spend much time on the wingnutblogs - i really dont have the time or the energy - and i never really learn anything (that prolly sounds terribly insular, but seriously, theres so much nonsense. i do try to read the wingnut press) - but i ventured over to instapundit today and found this "I think they're playing the long game, not the short game. And here's another example: the retroactive increase in death benefits paid to the families of servicepeople killed in action. They waited until after the election, when doing it sooner might have gotten them some votes. At a guess, I'd say that they want the troops to know it's genuine, and not just political -- and that's why they waited." i think i just proved my point. q.e.d. and all that.

* and i cant help but mention that jgoldberg *justified* his chickenhawk status by saying that he couldnt afford the paycut. and he has a young daughter. goodheavens. it never fucking stops.

* " Under pressure from Congress, the Central Intelligence Agency has formally agreed to a broad new interpretation of a 1998 law that requires disclosure of classified records related to Nazi war criminals, a C.I.A. document shows." calling prescott... one expects that porter has it covered somehow tho

* "The Purple Heart pinned on him nearly two years earlier had been "an administrative error" because his wound was not "caused directly or indirectly by enemy action." Ten other Marines who sustained noncombat injuries got the same news, from the office of the commandant of the Marine Corps." enjoy your replacement bandaids kiddies.

* ""They're all around there in the Capitol, as you know, the different special interests," Schwarzenegger said recently, "the purple shirts and the brown — all the different shirts."" brown is the new gray,1,3824083.story?coll=la-headlines-california

* aaronbrown is doing the dead amgrunt thing where they put the details on the screen. today we get lovely news that someone died dec 31, and jan1, jan 3, nov27 - ummmm - are they that far behind? or is the egadminstration slowly leaking out the deaths? one imagines that the 1450 number may be way understating reality...

* condi saves the palestinians. woohoo. praps she can now help the idf haul settlers outta gaza. is anyone optimistic about the peace deal? does 'creating palestine' count as 'nationbuilding'?

* its a budget. it has numbers. its a bush budget. it has lies. more accurately, it *is* a lie. my fave is the 'cut the deficit in half' one - altho its been used for a year or more. and not counting the war costs is sweet too - when do these things become a recurring item?

* it seems i was a bit off wrt the farm subsidies thingy. some ppl think it was just there for fun - aka Dingbat Kabuki.

* someone somewhere made a joke about the stupidson's "want some wood?" and presidential timbre. it was funny. btw - i think the wood comment was one of my fave moments of the campaign. loooking back to the debates is depressing tho - who'd have thought that man could go on to represinate?

* Garry Kasparov writes about putin (altho he does get a quick slap at blinky) for the wsj. strange bedfellows.

* can bozell burn in hell. starting soon. please. i cant wait till he gets caught in a tryst. or a twist. or some such.

* the sterilizing doctor-murderer coburn thinks that false boobies are healthier than the natural sort. calling drfrist... no wonder there are so many medmalpractice suits with people like these two. im not sure if we are all safer with them in the senate however

* "Tour London with Christopher Hitchens and David Horowitz" strange fellows-in-bed.

* "NBC's new anchor, Brian Williams, is the one turning GOP heads. Message guru and former MSNBC contributor Frank Luntz says in a confidential memo to Hill leaders that Williams has emerged as the "go-to network anchor" because of his brains and "lack of detectable ideological bias." Luntz credits NBC Executive Producer Steve Capus for "a flawless transition to a new generation of news anchor." Still, Fox and CNN lead the nets when it comes to GOP loyalty." lemme repeat, i hate frankluntz. and every media network. grrrr.

* let them eat cakewalk

* ironictimes headline - 'squarepantsbob accused of being like abelincoln'

* enron did it

* awesome. i havent mentioned the jeffgannon story cos it was too easy - he's the guy at the gaggle that ari2 asks questions when he needs a softball - jons did a bit on him recently - turns out he isnt really a journo and is knee-deep in gopness, and jeffgannon isnt really his name. he is a bigot and all that of course. but then theres this - its too priceless. i cant wait to see bozell fall over like this (like i wet dreamed about just recently)

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