Friday, March 18, 2005

gliberal bias

* fnc did the baseball hearings live for like 36 hours. straight. at least it was a reprieve from jackos/blak/peterson/chick who singlehandedly save the world from the judge-killer (assuming Dog has no hands)

* moonietimes is doing the "MissRice" thing again. (altho at least its an original piece this time and they arent hacking someone else's work). anyone have any clues why they do this? seems like the only reasonable guess to me is that they are trying to remind everyone that she is unmarried... i guess they dont like that?
and i love their headline "2008 run, abortion engage her politically" - they dont even mention her name at all - she is merely 'her' lol
ftr - they 1st refer to hillary as "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York Democrat" and then "Mrs. Clinton"
and for completeness, fwiw, they dont capitalise "secretary of state" twice. LINK

* AFP headline "Europe cool, aid groups dismayed over World Bank role for Wolfowitz" is the Kool-Aid reference accidental? funny anyway. LINK

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