Wednesday, March 23, 2005

its my one-party and ill cry if i want to

* mehlman is gay again. LINK

* everyone is freaking out about this dbrooks column. "The sleazo-cons thought they could take over K Street to advance their agenda. As it transpired, K Street took over them." maybe we won't have davey to kick around anymore... altho ezra suggests it might be a cover to hang reed/abramoff and save stupidDelay. its hard to see abramoff drowning without Delay tho. im tempted to believe that brooks hasnt seen the light - we'll know next week methinx. it'd sure be fun if he followed up with an article about mccains disgusting finance hypocrisy, altho we still wouldnt know who is paying brooks. (mccain08 is still 4/1 fave)

* (june04) "Reed has always operated behind the scenes, and apparently he didn't want to risk becoming a humbled hypocrite like his right-wing cohorts William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh... But Reed has managed to slither below the media's radar--until now... In the 2000 GOP presidential primary, Reed justified his big Enron fee by helping to smear John McCain during the South Carolina primary... In 1995, when he was still exploiting intolerance and fear, Time did a story on him that included the cover line "The right hand of God."" LINK

* "John Bolton cut his teeth in the world of big money intrigue that David Brooks describes -- and that makes him the wrong guy to pursue American interests at the United Nations at this point in the UN's history." LINK

* torture doesnt work, according to the FBI, but they still kept torturing people anyway. hmph. (the aclu just got these less redacted memos via FOI) LINK

* "Mr. Chertoff said at his confirmation hearing that he did not engage in detailed discussions of interrogation policies and never offered specific advice when he headed the criminal division at the Justice Department from 2001 to 2003, when he left the department to take an appointment to a federal appeals court.
But the newly released version of the memorandum identified for the first time four of Mr. Chertoff's top deputies who, according to the document, attended weekly meetings with F.B.I. officials in which the military's interrogation methods were frequently discussed and criticized as ineffective and unproductive." LINK

* "Mr. Cheney said retirees could receive a larger return from private investment accounts than from Social Security. "We want to take advantage of the time-value of money," he said." is cheney off the talkingpoints reservation? its sposed to be 'the miracle of compounding interest' - or maybe luntz has had a change of mind. we'll soon know. miracle sounds better tho - especially with Beaster nearly among us.

* btw - i read yesterday someone said they had given up catholicism for lent. it made me laugh. i hope everyone got themselves melgibsonsthepassion to watch on friday. would tomdelay have saved jesus if we were all way-back-then? would blinky have come back from crawford? LINK

* speaking of jokes, a coupla weeks ago i noted the beastieboys getting all political and i said 'you gotta fight for your right (for) two parties' and nobody laughed. so i'll repeat. just cos i thought it was funny.

* "Henry Waxman (D-CA) said the Bush administration, "acting at the request of Halliburton," intentionally concealed evidence from the (oil4food successor)... Waxman found an unredacted audit and compared it to the redacted version.... He said there were "striking differences" between the two. " go read for more. LINK

* Iain Duncan Smith: "Republicans also need to proceed carefully. Once a guillotine (nuclear option) or other minority-limiting power has been introduced, minority rights are never so sacrosanct again. Republicans now bask in the glory of recent advances but, one day, they will be in the minority again." LINK
when will people wake up and smell the fascist napalm? the repugs will never be a minority party. they will either be the govt, or they wont exist any more. ie they will be the govt until they *completely* implode and then no-one will ever dare attempt to revive the dirty party. never again. the only remaining questions are when they'll implode, and how much damage they'll do to the rest of us in the process.

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