Thursday, March 31, 2005


* the beeb notes drily: 'the schiavo case has mobilised the christian conservatives in america and demonstrates their ability to dominate the national agenda on issues of their choosing' - lol - this was in a news report.

* yesterday i mentioned that oreilly opened with an attack on krugman - which was pretty amazing becuase A) it opened the show b) it quoted heavily c) oreilly is an idiot. heres the vid. check it out.

* "Why is it ironic that Terri will die of starvation? Because the reason she had a heart attack, which has resulted in her current 15-year life and death struggle, was her life and death struggle with an eating disorder." LINK
- this issue has been completely buried. as i mentioned the other day, you'd think that a reasonable part of the story would be an understanding of why the fuck she is sick.

* "Norm Olson, senior adviser to the Michigan militia and pastor of a strong right-to-life church in Wolverine, said Tuesday he had put together an unarmed coalition of state militias that were prepared to storm the Florida hospice where Terri Schiavo has been left to die, and take her to a safe house." LINK
theyd have probably bumped into zarqawi and some of his associates... or do they stay in safehouses? safe-houses?

* nader tries to justify his position on schiavo. i think he is arguing that the public, not the taxpayer, will pay for it. oh, and the husband has a girlfriend. fuck off ralph. a lot. the day the msuic died...

* in other news the Heritage Foundation does IntelligentDesign (C) LINK

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