Tuesday, April 19, 2005

carnal law

* "Bush's daddy was first hooked up back in the '80s with the incorrigably right-wing (Cardinal) Law — poster boy for the Roman Catholic Church's coverup of its priests' sexual-abuse scandal. And wouldn't you know it: The person who brought them together was Doug Wead" LINK
(i love bushbeat)

* "A week before a Bangor, Maine, event in which fist lady Laura Bush was scheduled to campaign for her husband, the paper reported that ticket seekers were asked to fill out questionnaires, stating home and e-mail addresses, Social Security numbers and pledges of support for the president." heh. out, out, damn visual. LINK

* "And the president, cracking jokes about his average grades in college and his graying hair, frequently prompted the participants to clarify their remarks or make specific points that helped underscore his vision for Social Security." LINK
apparently they werent sufficiently trained prior to the event... cracks in the facade

* "``How come he's not stumping across America defending marriage?'' said Burress, 63, an evangelical Christian and president of Citizens for Community Values in Ohio. ``Marriage is a whole lot more important than Social Security.''" LINK

* David Letterman: "Friends say that each day President Bush spends two hours playing video games. Now let's think about this -- there's a war in Iraq, gas prices have never been higher and what is he working on? Getting Spiderman to the third level. ...Yeah George loves video games. His favorite? Grand Theft Election."
it seems we are at the point where the mainstream nation laughs at stolen elections... its not even a secret... fingers x'd that as blinkys numbers continue to crash, there might be some impetus for impeachment. his numbers are now 44% approve/50% disapprove. if people get sufficiently grumpy *and* they have reason to believe that he stole an election or two... keep makin the jokes, dave. now, if we could only recruit russert et al... ha!

* david brooks writes a column that is only partly idiotic, and the leftosphere is drooling. its fucking david brooks people - please take a closer look. and can we please stop doing the low-expectations limbo???
shorter brooks: 'there are two type of manifestations of people: the red inner, and the blue outer'

* drudge is apparently not gay. according to drudge. he sez he was nearly married once... to finklestein?

* "The White House involvement, noted briefly in a report Friday by the Education Department's inspector general, appears to contradict statements by President Bush in January that the White House had no knowledge of the $240,000 contract with Armstrong Williams. " LINK
which might be why they "refusing to allow key White House officials to be interviewed" LINK

* "Judge Barry Tatum of Wilson County, Tennessee, gave a Mexican woman six months to learn English up to the fourth-grade level or else he would proceed with the trial that could force her to relinquish her 11-year-old daughter... The six-month period is up on Monday, April 18," LINK

* "Bloggers have scored three major media knockouts since last fall. They were the first to blow the whistle on the suspect National Guard documents used by CBS's Dan Rather in a report on President Bush. They helped force the resignation of CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan over off-the-record remarks about the U.S. military. And they prompted the resignation of online conservative reporter Jeff Gannon by exposing his real name and X-rated past." LINK
whats wrong with this graf?

* " When St. Paul condemns homosexuality, he is to be taken literally; when Jesus condemns divorce, some of these sticklers for scriptural purity suddenly discover situation ethics." LINK
i wonder if the fetusfolk realise that when they quote the bible to denounce gays, they also point out that homosexuality has been around for 2000 years, which is about 1/3 of the existence of the universe...

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