Saturday, April 02, 2005

Consensus: 225K new jobs. Actual: +110K

* Consensus: 225K new jobs. Actual: +110K LINK
thats really bad. it got *zero* media.


* i mentioned DeLays threat yesterday - now "Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has issued a strongly-worded letter to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) over his recent remarks threatening those involved with the Schiavo case, which Lautenberg takes to mean federal judges," LINK

* "[U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) rebutted that "at a time when emotions are running high, Mr. DeLay needs to make clear that he is not advocating violence against anyone (in the judiciary)"]." LINK

* " That the same neocon creeps are carrying out the same kind of dirty work in the same vicious cause is far from shocking. What's surprising is that the dirty tricks get dirtier – but no trickier." LINK

* "The White House's explanation for the treatment of the Denver Three was not reassuring. "If they want to disrupt the event, then I think that, obviously, they're going to be asked to leave the event," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. But this is free speech pre-emption. The three had not disrupted the event. Do we live in a country where the president's representatives are authorized to read citizens' minds to determine who is suitable to hear his speeches?" LINK
Sadly, yes.

* "With 19 months to go before the elections and no opponent in sight, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign is nonetheless warning her political supporters that she is the prime target of "the right-wing attack machine."
In a fund-raising e-mail message sent out on Thursday, Mrs. Clinton's campaign also said her critics were preparing an advertising campaign against her similar to the one orchestrated by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group that attacked Senator John Kerry's Vietnam service during the presidential election... Indeed, some Republicans say they believe that if they do not stop Mrs. Clinton in 2006, she will be in a strong position to run for the presidency in 2008." LINK
wrong wrong wrong. the repugs could think of nothing better than running against hillary in 08. thats why we get these polls that say that america is actually ready for a woman president and we get the hillary VS condi nonsense. i bet the AP is already preparing their 'test' news release for the day after the 08 election "No, apparently, the nation isnt ready for a female president..."

* "We've seen George W. Bush give his own "Terri" statement, notable because of an unusually spectacular segue into talking about protecting America and 9/11. I do swear, this is becoming an art form." LINK


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