Saturday, April 09, 2005

delicious militias

* "The Justice Department has admitted for the first time that the FBI used a secret search warrant to enter the home of Brandon Mayfield a lawyer from Portland Oregon while it was investigating the March 2004 train bombings in Madrid. " LINK
this Mayfiled story is one of the most egregious...

* "The Kurdish militia known as peshmerga will remain intact under an agreement between the major political parties, clearing the way for the national assembly to form the country's first government elected solely by the Iraqi people... A similar arrangement was struck regarding the status of militias loyal to the two major Shiite parties" LINK
parallel militia. nice. security 4 everyone. yippee! (of course, they are nothing like hezbollah. hezbollah=bad.)

* in other news, "Shiite Mahdi Army Growing Bolder in South... Beyond Baghdad, though, Iraqis see a new boldness in the militia in cities like Nasiriyah, Basra and Amarah, all south of the capital and all patrolled by foreign forces allied with the United States." LINK

* " The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Thursday to authorize an international investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri." LINK

* heres an interesting article by Karpinski (commander of abug et al). go read. (there is one funny comment tho: "We must: Admit mistakes. Appoint an independent committee similar to the Sept. 11 commission to conduct an investigation" lol

* " The White House on Thursday expressed fresh regrets over last month's shooting death of an Italian intelligence officer in Iraq by U.S. troops" LINK
we're sorry we missed sgrena.

* "Talabani Offers Amnesty to Insurgents" LINK
is that becos 'We Dont Negotiate With Terrorists (TM)'?

* did anyone catch any updates on the zarq attack on abug? me either. still '44 wounded ams' - one day we'll read and not notice 'grunt(s) x died as a result of hostile fire in april'

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