Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dog is in da house

* theres some discussion of a deal to prevent the filibuster - it doesnt look like much yet. LINK

* meanwhile, atrios points to a WaPo poll that suggests that only 26% of ams support Frist in going nuclear. the dems had better not cave. they dont need to deal.

* "Rove said Bush tried to end the stalemate when he renominated just seven of the 10 nominees who had been blocked last year. But "I saw no change in tone" among Democrats, he said. "The flamethrowers ... came out within moments" LINK

* joshmarshall: "If you think ending the filibuster is the 'nuclear option', just watch what happens (if) Bill Frist rings up James Dobson and says, "Sorry about the judge thing. The Democrats won't let us.
At that point you can start with the horizontal mushroom clouds coming out of Dobson's ears and it's pretty much a chain reaction through the rest of Wingnut Nation from there on." LINK

* digby points to this DeomcracyCorps (i dont know them) poll (pdf):
"The most visible political battles of the last three months have taken place around the Congress – the president’s Social Security initiative, Terri Schiavo, Tom DeLay’s ethics issues and the debate around the filibuster rule for consideration of judicial nominees. Even when presented in the most neutral way, people respond to the totality and say, most often, that something is very wrong. Indeed, in the open-ended follow-up to this discussion in the survey, the mostfrequent reactions are “wrong, wrong, wrong,” “very wrong,” “wrong in every sense.” One in five offers a simple declarative negative: “bad,” “horrible,” “pathetic,” “unbelievable,” “disturbing,”or “shocking.”"

* haha! on injustice sunday, i published the lyrics to nickcaves "god is in the house", democracynow played the song today in a segment on injusticesunday!

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