In contrast, the gross perversion of democratic norms that constituted the ricin trial has attracted barely any comment by the official parties and by most of the media. All of them are complicit in sanctioning both an illegal war against Iraq and the ongoing assault on democratic rights in Britain. Indeed both issues are virtually off-limits in the ongoing general election campaign." LINK
* Chossudovsky wonders whether marla Ruzicka was murdered - and makes a reasonable case. LINK
xymphora was apparently thinking similar suspicions.
* didja hear the latest 'mass grave' story? parently they think there are 1500 corpses there - virtually all of them women and children. if that doesnt make you immediately suspicious then i give up.
* gee - zarqawi is bizzy. people are getting murdered all over the place.
"A U.S. intelligence official said the voice appears to be al-Zarqawi's.
"After conducting a technical analysis of the tape, we assess with high confidence the voice is that of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity."
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