Sunday, April 24, 2005

people of faketh

* harryreid: "In the span of three minutes, the vice president managed to reinvent 200 years of Senate history and ignore the fact that Congress has already approved 205 of this administration’s nominees," he said in a statement. "Apparently, a 95 percent confirmation rate is not enough for this president. He wants it all, even if it means shattering the checks and balances in our government in order to put radical judges on the bench.
Last week, I met with the president and was encouraged when he told me he would not become involved in Republican efforts to break the Senate rules. Now, it appears he was not being honest, and that the White House is encouraging this raw abuse of power." LINK

* the other day i asked "is 'nuclear option' the worst choice of words ever?" - it turns out that the repugs have finally realised this, and have put out the message to their media whores to start saying "Democrats call this the nuclear option, while Republicans call this a constitutional option." (even tho it is actually repug nomenclature) Joshmarshall is on the case - u can read this post and work your way up from there - its pretty funny. josh calls it the 'Republican lexical jihad', suggests that we actually call it 'the crybaby option' and adds this delightful turn: "But it seems we have not yet plumbed the depths of the 'spank me, spank me' journalistic ethic."

* frankrich: "Tonight is the much-awaited "Justice Sunday," the judge-bashing rally... the exploitation of religion by political operatives and other cynics with worldly ends."
and " The only major religious leader involved with "Justice Sunday," R. Albert Mohler Jr. of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has not only called the papacy a "false and unbiblical office" but also told Terry Gross on NPR two years ago that "any belief system" leading "away from the cross of Christ and toward another way of ultimate meaning, is, indeed, wicked and evil.""
and "(tony perkins) told a gathering in Washington this month that the judiciary poses "a greater threat to representative government" than "terrorist groups." And we all know the punishment for terrorists." LINK
go read. and let me repeat. frist is appearing in front of these people tonight. these are the famous people of faketh...

* ""There's more than one way to skin a cat, and there's more than one way to take a black robe off the bench," said Tony Perkins...
Perkins said that he had attended a meeting with congressional leaders a week earlier where the strategy of stripping funding from certain courts was "prominently" discussed. "What they're thinking of is not only the fact of just making these courts go away and re-creating them the next day but also defunding them," Perkins said.
He said that instead of undertaking the long process of trying to impeach judges, Congress could use its appropriations authority to "just take away the bench, all of his staff, and he's just sitting out there with nothing to do."...
"Very few people know this, that the Congress can simply disenfranchise a court," Dobson said. "They don't have to fire anybody or impeach them or go through that battle. All they have to do is say the 9th Circuit doesn't exist anymore, and it's gone."" LINK
go read. and let me repeat. frist is appearing in front of these people tonight.

* "There is one man who could guarantee the return of checks and balances.
Tom DeLay. Still in office in the spring of 2006, when the big Senate races really kick off. Still under investigation. Still defended by the hard-core religionistas. Still the national symbol of overreaching greed and avarice in the name of the Almighty. Still the shining example of power run amok.
Save Tom DeLay." LINK

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