Wednesday, April 13, 2005

relitigating honduras

* on monday i wrote: "will bolton be able to keep his mouth shut? tis the question..."
heres the answer: "Rarely have I watched a presidential appointee discuss his or her plans and prospects with such diffidence. It would be one thing if Bolton were a cool character in general. But his former colleagues have described him to the committee as screaming and turning red with anger when provoked by dissenting intelligence analysts." LINK

* "The anonymous “Mr. Smith” from the Bolton hearings, if I understand Senators Kerry and Lugar correctly, is Fulton Armstrong, National Intelligence Officer for Latin America since June 2000." LINK

* did anyone think that carlford vaguely resembled the murdered dr kelly in front of a similar panel?

* btw - watching the repugs trying to impugn carl ford was funny - its so lionel hutz -shorter repug: 'so, mr ford, you've made a lot of statements here today, do you agree that yesterday was the day before today???'
ford: 'uh, yeah?'
shorter repug: 'aha! i rest my case! your witness...'

* george allen is totally creepy, in the same manner that many of the other repugs are - like bill owen or santorum, or bill owen et al

* i mentioned the other day that biden was dreaming of a dead president - heres the quote: " "The reason it was initially postponed was that many of us were in Rome at the president's funeral—excuse me, Freudian slip, I beg your pardon—at the pope's funeral that the president attended.""

* imagine for a minute this scenario: negroponte in charge of the fbi and the cia and the pentagon. *shudder*

* negroponte hasnt read the Robb-Silverman report.

* wyden backhanded negroponte: 'theres no point relitigating honduras but...'

* the concept of the day from both confirmation hearings is talking truth to power... meanwhile BubbleBoy famously (almost proudly) lives in an impenetrable bubble.

* "Bill Allison of the Center for Public Integrity said DeLay's strategy may be reflecting a polarized Washington environment in which "everything has become a partisan issue, including ethics and including right and wrong."" LINK
facts are red. facts are blue.
logic is dead. and morality too.

* josh gets it right: "Much depends on whether DeLay gets nailed on particular instances of criminal conduct. But he isn't a Majority Leader who happens, possibly, also to be corrupt. The GOP Majority in the House is built on his corrupt practices, his money machine. They define its modes of operation and priorities." LINK
it isnt really about DeLay , and thats why i want him to stay. for a while. and thats why i want him to keep his foot on the accelerator. i dont want DeLay to sink because of a $70k golf trip. that would totally suck. similarly, i dont want bolton to sink becuase he yelled at some inr guy - the issue is much greater and has 2 parts - 1) as jonk pointed out in the hearings yesterday, the same issue as bolton yelling wrt the cuba/aei speech is *exactly* why 'we' are at war in iraq. without a doubt. b) the simple nomination of bolton to the UN shows the abominable 'judgement' (or their actual intent, (and the MO)) of the radministration.

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