Friday, April 01, 2005

the spleen is dead. long live the spleen.

* hannity opens with a schiavo photo montage thingy, playing some winds-beneath-our-winds type soundtrack. fun. apparently the fetuspeople think she has gone to heaven eternally. btw - if her condition was caused by bulimia, surely she starved herself to death, which is presumably a form of suicide. which is a bad sin. which means she isnt in heaven at all. she's naughty. (and the irony of her being killed by those who wanna starve her is really funny - mr schiavo was right - thats what she wanted)

* " I hope you haven't missed the episode of South Park aired tonight,
Mar 30th, featuring Kenny being kept alive with a feeding tube...
One of the best parts of it was about one of Satan's helpers (who looked like
Emperor Palpatine) saying that, in order to have Kenny's tube reinserted, he'd do
what he always does when he needs to get something done: use the Republicans."
ohhhh - id love to see that... LINK

* "Wall Street Journal: "Demonstrating in her wheelchair with a ’Feed Terri’ sign in Florida this week, Eleanor Smith — a self-described lesbian, liberal and agnostic — told Reuters: ’At this point I would rather have a right-wing Christian decide my fate than an ACLU member.’"" LINK
only the wsj... imagine the furor if, say, jonk, described mary cheney as a lesbian, despite her being a self-described one.

* in other news, marycheney just got a half-mill book deal

* i hope there's a princess-di type funeral procession thingy for schiavo. methinx they media will keep schiavo alive for a while... we've still got all those 'mysteries' to be resolevd by the autopsy, and that will be at least a month away. im still wondering why the media still has its foot on the accelrator on this issue. in non-bizzaro land, they'd stop the coverage, and they'd stop hurting the repugs. perhaps scaife has threatened to withhold all AEI/Heritge spundits for a month from the squawk shows ;-)

* everyone is freaking out about DeLay saying this: " The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior, but not today."

* in case u missed this one " Although he is now a vigorous advocate for Schiavo, Senator Tom Coburn admitted in 1998 to respecting the wishes of his dying patients and not giving them feeding tubes if they didn't want them." LINK
coburn is of course totally certifiable, and sterilized some chix cos he thought itd be good for them (from memory , *without* their knowledge).

* "Even the Franciscan Brothers of Peace, a ministry numbering only 10 monks, two of whom have appeared as personal counselors to the Schindlers, Schiavo's parents, confronted a crisis when the founder of their group suffered a heart attack and severe brain damage. He was kept alive through a feeding tube, but in 2003, after a dozen years, the monks decided to withdraw his life support. Their inconsistency in doing one thing while encouraging others to do another is best left for them to explain." LINK
the funkymunky was perhaps the most appalling of the whole cast of characters.

* i hope the pope dies the same day schiavo dies. that would surely send the fetus folk into a frenzy

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