Wednesday, April 27, 2005

stepford stepdown

* " If (bolton) fails to be approved by the Senate to be the ambassador to the United Nations, as now appears possible, he will still hold a critical position at the State Department from which to continue doing American foreign policy real damage. Indeed, getting him out of the State Department... seems to have been one major goal of appointing him to the UN slot in the first place. Should that fail, the question is: will State be stuck with him? Or will he be so humiliated he'll have to step down?" LINK

* "Rove passionately defended Bolton, whom he said he has known for more than 30 years, and said his critics oppose reforming the United Nations. "I'm absolutely confident he'll be confirmed," he said." LINK
say it loud, say it proud, say it often.

* "The White House gambled recklessly in pushing Bolton on a Congress that may be compelled to reject him -- not only because Bolton was a bad choice for the U.N. job but to prove that we do not have a monarchy." LINK

* "In one Congressional appearance, in June 2003 before the House International Relations Committee, Mr. Bolton offered a considerably darker view of Syria's nuclear program than the C.I.A. had in a report to Congress two months earlier. Among other things, Mr. Bolton said American officials were "looking at Syria's nuclear program with growing concern and continue to monitor it for any signs of nuclear weapons intent." The C.I.A. report to Congress in April said only, "In principle, broader access to Russian expertise provides opportunities for Syria to expand its indigenous capabilities, should it decide to pursue nuclear weapons."" LINK

* "Even more egregious, (bolton) kept on insisting that Saddam Hussein had smuggled his WMD into Syria even after it had become quite clear that Iraqis could provide no evidence of this" LINK

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