Tuesday, April 19, 2005


from sister novena @ the portapulpit. man. is she pissed!

"I hate fucking fundamentalists.

Now that we've rescued our gay, lesbian, and transgendered sistren and brethren from the untrue and unjust label of "mentally ill," I suggest we fill the empty pages in the Big Book O' Psychiatric Disorders by redefining fundamentalism as a malignant, sociopathic form of insanity. Fundamentalism is the cancer festering in the lymph nodes of humanity, the pustulent boil on mankind's collective psychic ass that prevents us from thinking about more important things. Sure, we've got other problems, but until we lance the sore and drain the pus, we're not going to get a goddamn thing done -- and once we do, imagine how much better we'll all feel...

Have you ever met a laid-back, open-minded fundamentalist? Of course not, it's impossible; the very idea is self-contradictory...

They squeal indignantly about even the smallest perceived slight against their psychotic religious beliefs while happily grinding the religious rights of others into the mud..."

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