Wednesday, June 22, 2005

car-dboard cutout guvner

* " Reversing field after a meeting with President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said he will continue pushing for a floor vote on John R. Bolton for U.N. ambassador. Frist switched his position after initially saying Tuesday that negotiations with Democrats to get a vote on Bolton had been exhausted." LINK

* " 31 percent of California adults -- now say they approve of (arnie's) job performance, the survey found. That's down about 20 percentage points from his ratings in February." LINK

* "Eighty-two Iraqi parliamentarians have sent a letter to the speaker of the house demanding that the United States withdraw its troops from Iraq. Some of the leaders of this movement come from the United Iraqi Alliance, the coalition of religious Shiite parties that has a majority of the 275 seats. Their demand is still that of a (sizeable) minority and has not been endorsed by Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari. The demand will certainly come from an ever greater number of parliamentarians as time goes on. At the moment, most Iraqi politicians already wish the US would leave, but are afraid that the guerrilla movement would kill them without US protection... In the long term, perhaps 5-10 years, the Iraqi government may develop its own military that could keep order. That development is far enough off, however, that there is likely to be a significant gap between the time the US leaves and the time the Iraqis can fend for themselves." LINK

* to the extent that the dsm is 'true', then lets cast a thought back to the $1.2bn or whatever it was that metalpha and judymiller and david kay and duelfer spent 'looking' for them.

* digby: "We do have a special election coming up --- one that will cost more than 70 million dollars and that Schwarzenneger insists we hold even though a regularly scheduled election is next June. Maybe we should make it worth our while. It only takes around 900,000 signatures to get a recall on the ballot. If we were smart, we'd get a right winger to finance it. They hate him too." LINK
id love to see darrel issa finance it. 'please step away from the car-dboard cutout guvner'

* some priest in the philipines died. his name is cardinal sin. aquino: "i hope we can have more cardinal sins"

* "If jurors who conscientiously fulfill their oath — as Jackson's did — then are subjected to contempt and abuse for contradicting the self-interested sentiments of an electronic mob, then who among us is safe?" LINK

* " Matthew Yglesias: important player on the American right is, quite literally, the leader of a deranged cult hell-bent on world domination aiming at the extirpation of democracy and the imposition of a global theocracy. I speak, of course, of the Reverend Moon and his various assets including The Washington Times." LINK

* gallup: "29. Do you favor or oppose the US war with Iraq?
Favor Oppose No opinion
39 59 2" LINK
hmmm - thats pretty interesting. that language is much tougher than "do u think the war was worth it?"

* "The communications director for House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) abruptly announced his resignation yesterday after months of defending his boss amid intense media scrutiny of the outspoken lawmaker." LINK
remember what happened when tom cruise lost his pr guru? perhaps we'll see Delay jumping on the couch with katie curic or some such.

* "Iraq's justice minister accused the United States on Tuesday of trying to hinder the Iraqi investigation of Saddam Hussein by limiting his access to interrogators, and said "it seems there are lots of secrets they want to hide."" LINK

* heres a collection of the egadmin changing scientific reports LINK

* sibel: "Over four years ago, more than four months prior to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, in April 2001, a long-term FBI informant/asset who had been providing the bureau with information since 1990 provided two FBI agents and a translator with specific information regarding a terrorist attack being planned by Osama bin Laden. This asset/informant was previously a high-level intelligence officer in Iran in charge of intelligence from Afghanistan." LINK

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