Tuesday, June 21, 2005

certain altruism

btw - bringing two separate thoughts together a) my post just now on global warming b) they latest blog-game of 'why did we go to war?', lemme repeat my oft-stated position that the idea that the ams invaded iraq is 'because of the oil' is absurd to me on its face, because that argument seems to imply that the egadmin are concerned about the economy in a decade hence, or the hip-pocket issues of consumers at some future point in time. the problem with this argument is that it presumes that the adminstration has a certain altruism towards other americans. the idea of them going after iraq to 'secure oil supplies for america' is dubious at best. it may be true that they are interested in securing oil supplies, but only in the same way that a bank robber targets a bank. to the extent that 'oil' is involved in the war, its either because of the bought-and-sold administration, with cooney as an exemplar, or because war in the middle east drives up the price of oil as i mentioned the other day wrt the saudis.

i very much doubt we went to war to 'secure' oil, but it may very well have had something to do with oil. as miggidy asked, why did god plant our oil under their soil?

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