Friday, June 10, 2005

half a million signatures

* "Playing catch-up this week has produced some awkward moments for reporters, such as Russert's referring to the memo as "famous" even though nobody at NBC News had ever bothered to report on it." LINK

* "Read more on Iraq and the Downing Street memo in The Sunday Times this Sunday." LINK

* "Dear media fucknuts -
I'm seeing more and more stories about The Downing Street Memo, which is great. However, all of these stories just seem to be stories about how it's not getting any attention in the media. How about instead of writing these stories about how little attention it's getting, you just fucking give it a little attention, instead? Is it really that much easier to write a story about the lack of coverage than it is to actually cover it? " LINK

* conyers: "Today, I am pleased to announce that, one of the pioneers in internet activism has joined our drive to demonstrate that the stonewalling of the White House on the Downing Street Minutes will not stand. We deserve answers and we deserve them now.
Given Moveon's involvement, I think we can go for half a million signatures, don't you?" LINK

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