Wednesday, June 29, 2005

a pool of self-hate

* heres scalia (via arthur)in the 10commandments case: "On September 11, 2001 I was attending in Rome, Italy an international conference of judges and lawyers, principally from Europe and the United States. That night and the next morning virtually all of the participants watched, in their hotel rooms, the address to the Nation by the President of the United States concerning the murderous attacks upon the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, in which thousands of Americans had been killed. The address ended, as Presidential addresses often do, with the prayer “God bless America.” The next afternoon I was approached by one of the judges from a European country, who, after extending his profound condolences for my country’s loss, sadly observed “How I wish that the Head of State of my country, at a similar time of national tragedy and distress, could conclude his address ‘God bless______.’ It is of course absolutely forbidden.”"
thats pretty incredible for a bunch of reasons, not least because, from memory, scalia dissed the idea of international opinion in his 'we should kill kids' dissent.
btw - speaking of Dog, there was remarkably little of it in blinky's speech today - i didnt hear anything about 'deep valleys' or Scott_Dredd (or woteva it was) or any other coded nonsense he usually spouts.

* oooh - i just saw the last bit of blinky's speech and right at the end when he said the "Dog bless America" bit he nearly broke down - his face contorted in hate or tears or a mix of both. i cant wait till he does that at the start of a speech and simply collapses in a pool of self-hate. (i missed it first time round)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scalia expressed concern for world opinion in explaining Bush v. Gore: "Another audience member asked, "There are those who think the 2000 election was stolen. Could you explain why that's wrong?" Scalia growled, "I am inclined to say, four years and another election later, 'Get over it!'" He waited for the boos and the applause to die down. "The only issue was whether we should put an end to it, after three weeks of looking like a fool in the eyes of the world," he said." (