Friday, June 17, 2005

a quiet cyanide pill.

wow - lehrer is covering thememo. they got ray mcgovern on, hats of to them, but mtached him with Reuel Marc Gerecht who is one of the spookiest guys on the planet. gerecht looks and sounds like a lunatic. the entire house of cards is falling apart at a rapid rate. the $64thousand question: what will cheney and rumsfled and negroponte do to keep their asses out of jail? those folk who dont quite believe the official 911 story will be very nervous tonight.

the big question is whether the next big question will be: a)
"did they really lie our way to war?" or b) "they lied to us about that in ways i never thought possible, is it possible they are lying about the election? is it possible they are lying about 911? i cant imagine anyone telling those lies, what else are they capable of?"

im tempted to be triumphalist (did i just make up a word?) about todays developments, but ive got this nagging logic thing going on in the background which says that these people started a war for fun, and they have an incredible appetite for power, and they are scared little men. that should scare the hell out of all of us.

i must say, i dont feel particularly scared tho, which might be a function of the apparent lame-duckiness, but id hate to think what these scumfolk would do if they felt cornered. we can only hope that the 'sinking ship rats' are more effective than the cornered rats.

seriously, these people started a war for fun, what would they do to protect their chickenhawk asses? i dont think it will be a quiet cyanide pill.

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