Thursday, June 16, 2005

then they can probably just about do anything.

* btw - why are we getting all this 'close gitmo' noise in the media? it actually seems to be a part of a campaign or something. i wonder what they are up to? one of the probs/benefits of gitmo is that it isnt US territory (by some turns of logic) so the honey-chicken-eaters there are in legal limbo, and thats a design feature, not a bug. so the question is if they closed down gitmo and moved the happychickeneaters to, say, the middle of texas, would they then get all the associated rights? and if not, then itll take some serious lawyering to find a way to do that 'legally', and if they can create a gitmo-like legal black hole specifically in the US then they can probably just about do anything.

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