Tuesday, July 26, 2005

cctv's on the bus failed

* some people are wondering whether its possible to mistake "four or five" gunshots for eight gunshots. people are also wondering whether it is possible to mistake our smiling brazillian for an asian looking fellow. so many questions...

* i looked at the statcounter records and see that i got a visit from someone at pol.co.uk - they came through google to a post called "cctv's on the bus failed" (re the 7/7 bombings). the search term seems to be in ISO-8859-1 - heres the link term if anyone knows how to reverse the search term out: www.google.com/custom?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&oe=ISO-8859-1&client=pub-5174720432180771& (snipped) cof=FORID%3A1%3BGL%3A1%3BBGC%3AFFFFFF%3BT%3A%23000000%3
it'd be interesting to know what they are looking for...

* we are seeing a bunch of articles asking "Is the Met's shoot-to-kill policy justified?" - hey morons - even if the policy is justified, here's the relevant part of the Operation Kratos policy: "Marksmen were told to use the 'double tap' procedure, firing twice in rapid succession to ensure the suspect is instantly brought down." as it pertains to the dead brazillian. note how it doesnt say anything about shooting someone 8 times. and remember, this wasnt some crazed policeman going over the edge - this was the elite team, remember.

* "The Met refused to clarify, but the Guardian understands a separate armed unit was called to intercept him at this point. As he entered the tube, officers were instructed to effect a "hard stop" - that is, arrest him. When he bolted on to the train, someone decided to shoot him.
The Met refused to say yesterday whether the final decision was taken by an officer at the tube station, or whether it was authorised by a "gold commander" (senior officer) back at the control room, and, if so, at what point." (link)

* from the Guardian: "The unanswered questions:
What led police to be so suspicious of Mr De Menezes?
Why was he not apprehended when he left the house?
Why was he allowed to board a bus?
Who, if anyone, authorised the shooting?
What was the exact warning given by police?" (link)
they forgot one: why the fuck was he shot 8 times?

* "Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, the head of the Metropolitan Police's anti-terrorist branch, said the four suspects were all attempting to be suicide bombers. Video images from the Tube and the bus showed each man trying to detonate his rucksack or bag bomb. A small puff of smoke was seen, but none of the devices went off." (link)
will we see this video?

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