Thursday, July 14, 2005

espionage indictment

* on lehrer, ifill asked bush operative (ed rodgers?): 'how important is rove to the egadministration' - he answered that blinky calls him 'The Architect' - itll be interesting to see how long they stick with that answer

* "Mark A.R. Kleiman raises the mindboggling possibility that Fitzgerald may go after Rove with an espionage indictment -- the same charge used to fry the Rosenbergs. Mark's reasoning, as usual, is very tight:
But Rove's conduct certainly meets the far less demanding elements of the Espionage Act: (1) possession of (2) information (3) relating to the national defense (4) which the person possessing it has reason to know could be used to damage the United States or aid a foreign nation and (5) wilful communication of that information to (6) a person not entitled to receive it."
there are some days when i consider that maybe there could be exceptions to my disgust at the death penalty - thats why opposition to the death penalty must be absolute - but i guess the law is the law. given that, here's what id happily settle for: we pretend that rove gets executed but secretly shuffle him off to some prison somewhere with a few guys called Butch, and heres the key, we dont tell blinky or cheney or libby or hadley or rice or bolton or negroponte or (mr) miller or blair or any of the others and the spend the rest of their days wondering when their day will come. we could tell rove that his clemency would depend on his acting skills. good compromise?

* billmon again (go read): "I don't know how far the Rovians plan to take this mirror image building campaign. But I won't be too surprised if we wake up tomorrow to find Bill O'Reilly claiming that Karl Rove used to be an undercover CIA operative (a kind of fat, ugly version of Keifer Sutherland) until he was outed by Valerie Plame -- all as part of a left-wing dirty tricks operation masterminded by Jim Carville." LINK

* i dont think things are going very well in iraq. my radar goes a bit funny when i see shit like 'good americans were handing out candy to kids and evil terrorists killed them all' - it might be true - but we simply have no reason to believe things like this any more - stories like this sound numbingly like they came outta the tillman/lynch ops-shop. fool me, dunce, shame shame.

* btw - everyone is talking about the redstaters and their meth. fucking hell - if the drug is so good that it gets people unaddicted to jesus, im willing to donate my teeth.

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