Sunday, July 17, 2005

the next attack

* aaron brown hosts a 'cnn special' called 'The Iraq War - a Progress Report' - which is a long way from their branding that used to be "The New Iraq"

* stupid idiot jane araf does a piece about fallujah where she says (apparently with a straight face) that during the razing of fallujah 'there seemed to be more dead insurgents than alive civillians'

* heres a VF article by wolcott called "to live and die in iraq" - quality as always. link

* "You won't want to miss this one. Tim Russert's guests will be: Matt Cooper, John Podesta, Ken Mehlman, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein." link

* frank rich on notrove-gate. shorter rich: "its the war, stupid" link

* it looks like the entire iraq war story is falling apart.

* it looks like london-gate is falling apart.

* it looks like iraq is falling apart

* it looks like palestine is falling apart.

* what will be next?

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