Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Personnel and Readiness

ok - so last week we were talking about the army recruiting numbers, and how they were leaked a day in advance of the Senate Armed Services Committee appearance of QuagMyers et al.

the official numbers are sposed to come out next week - on the 11th apparently.

the interesting thing is that there was a news blackout on the actual testimony - for some reason, the SCLM decided that it wasnt a story. the only report on it was this AP story - which seems kinda odd given that the implications are either withdrawal from iraq or the draft. QuagMyers et al were brought in front of the sacs for a reason, right?

in the media, we didnt see much more than this single story from the evil AP: " "We've got enormous challenges," Gen. Peter Schoomaker told the Senate Armed Services Committee."

apparently the AP was the only agency to actually cover the story.

i tried finding further references to any of the testimony but couldnt find any, although if you go to the SACS website u can get some of the testimony. i havent been through it yet, but the SACS website tells us that the following 'folks' have testified:
Honorable David S. C. Chu - Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

Honorable Charles S. Abell -Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness

General Richard B. Myers, USAF - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA - Chief of Staff, United States Army

General Michael W. Hagee, USMC - Commandant, United States Marine Corps

the website also points to their respective Prepared Statements. apparently, all statements apart from QuagMyers is available - for him we get the following message: "No Electronic Testimony Submitted."

i dont know if its unusual for the boss not to have any prepared statement, but it *does* seem unusual that there isnt any transcript *or anything*, for any of the proceedings, and there was only one story (from AP) that 'discussed' the hearings.

again, i havent yet read the prepared statements of any of the participants yet, but my guess is that they'll demonstrate more 'dis-assembling' and less honesty, than we might hope to expect.

again, the silence pierces my sensitive eardrums

will they hit the 6150 number next week? informed people wanna know.

stay tuned

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