Saturday, July 23, 2005

unvisble darby pictures

ive been following the story of the abu ghraib 'darby pictures' that were supposed to be released july22.

it turns out that the release was delayed at the 11th hour

heres the aclu press release:
"Raising new arguments on the eve of its deadline, the United States government refused to release the materials to the public...
Instead of releasing these records and holding officials accountable for detainee abuse, the government now seeks to shield itself from public scrutiny by filing these reasons in secret...
Under the government’s proposal, the documents explaining the government’s reasons for withholding the images of abuse will not be available to the public except in redacted form "

and heres the The Center for Constitutional Rights' release

i thought that i must have been going crazy cos there was nary a word about it anywhere - and i thought that the delay must have occured in advance, but no, the delay was eleventh hour. apparently the imminent release of "photographs and videos that were shown to the closed session of Congress, which reportedly include videos and photographs of the rape of detainees, including the rape of a male minor being held at the facility" wasnt news.

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