Monday, August 15, 2005

hurt weldon

* "In a particularly dramatic scene in Weldon’s book, Countdown to Terror, the Pennsylvania Republican described personally handing to then-Deputy National Security Adviser Steve Hadley, just after Sept. 11, an Able Danger chart produced in 1999 identifying Atta. But Weldon told TIME he’s no longer certain Atta’s name was on that original document. The congressman says he handed Hadley his only copy." (link)
weldon is a freak

* "When U.S. soldiers reached this stretch of Iraq's border with Syria, some expected to face off against foreign fighters they thought would be crossing into the country in trucks packed with weapons.
Instead, they found caravans of mules crossing the border without their human masters, the clever tactic of smugglers in Syria who load contraband (gasoline and cigarettes) on dozens of mules or donkeys and set them free to amble down familiar paths." (link)
lol. do u think this would get them to STFU? nope. "military officials say the trade helps fund the insurgency"
stupid fucks.

* mrs greenspan sat in for timmeh, unannounced, on mtp. is timmeh afriad that he'll have a Novakula moment?

* i saw some wingnut on the teeve - i cant remember who (brooks? york?) - when asked about the falling public support for the war responded: 'well, the support for the war has never actually been that great - so its a mischaracterisation to suggest that support is falling as fast as you have suggested'. i hope to Dog that this becomes the official line - i love the sound of brains breaking in the morning.

* sibel was interviwed by scott horton on the weekend - interesting stuff - about an hour (link)

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