Saturday, August 27, 2005

sheehan on billmaher

* ""Congressman Leach has broken the silence of the Republican Party on the Downing Street Minutes," said John Bonifaz, Co-Founder of the After Downing Street Coalition. "His willingness to co-sponsor Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry is bound to make the White House nervous. It is not possible for the President to paint this demand for documents as coming solely from his opponents. " (link)

* "Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham "demanded and received" a bribe from a Pentagon contractor who paid far above market value for the congressman's Del Mar-area home in 2003, according to court documents filed yesterday by federal prosecutors." (link)

*bolton on the haririkiri investigation: ""Let there be no ambiguity about the American view that Syria's lack of cooperation ... is not acceptable," (link)

* arianna looks at some more of the changes that bolton is proposing in the UN document. (link)
he truly is a piece of work.

* "MORE than two years have elapsed since Tony Blair was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for being a “staunch and steadfast ally” of the United States in the war on terror, but Downing Street yesterday said the Prime Minister still does not know when he will pick it up.
This exceptional 772-day delay is beginning to raise eyebrows in Washington, where suspicions are growing that Mr Blair wishes to avoid being photographed receiving America’s highest civilian honour from President Bush." (link)

* heres gilliard on the hitch/jonstewart takedown (link)

* here a vid of sheehan on billmaher

* i made some jokes yesterday about the viagra respondagain campaign - im getting lots of hits from people searching for 'respondagain' - lol

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