Wednesday, August 31, 2005

sibel edmonds part xxxx

further to my posts (here and here and here, for example) trying to understand what the hell sibel edmonds is trying to point us to when she refers to the nexus of lobbying and drugs and terrorism and State and Defense and 911 - for starters (which may or may not include Feith and Perle and Bolton and AIPAC) - i previously noted that "Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly morphed into Davis, Manafort and Freedman" - but that isnt all - it *also* morphed into another lobbying group calle BKSH where B is Charlie Black - from the group's website "Wherever in the world BKSH operates, clients can rely on the same commitment: the promise of efficiency, effectiveness and excellence"

as it happens, "BKSH has experience on the Iraqi front earned from work for Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress." - its a small fucking world.

and just to add a delicious twist or six - other clients include the ukranian, nigerian , haitian
governments, yukos oil and Radio Voice of Iran (and chalabi) - if theres an international 'happening' taking place, charlie black has his fingerprints on it. fancy that. chicken or egg?

if you ever wondered why we see on tv (and in policy) the stuff that we actually see, charlie black might be the answer. (their corporate clients include GM, GE and Glaxo (and thats just the G's')).

im not sure where the BKSH name comes from - but the other main guy apart from Black is Gardner Peckham (MD) - "Peckham worked as senior policy advisor to former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on defense, intelligence and international trade issues, as deputy assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs to Secretary Jim Baker and as an aide to national security advisor Brent Scowcroft" (link)

all those names will unfortunately be familiar to you - but for the moment, let me point out that Scowcroft is the head of the American Turkish Association (or was it the american turkish council?) - the VF article said that Scowcroft wasnt under any suspicion - but sibel later clarified that (in her Horton interview (?)) when she specifically stated that the author of the VF article simply hadnt found any evidence to that effect.

one of the cool things about this egAdminstration is that its completely different to the New Alqaeda which is apparently decentralised (ie - not an organisation) - the thing about this bAdminstration is that the same names are always only one degree away from each other. its *soooo* frustrating that the whole thing hasnt been unravelled yet - (hopefully this is where Fitzgerald makes a hero of himself and saves us all)

of course, we have only just started in chasing down the first degrees of separation
" BKSH & Assocs., has been hired by The Lincoln Group, one of three firms selected last month by the U.S. Special Operations Command to wage psychological warfare on behalf of the Pentagon in Iraq and other hot spots," O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports. "BKSH has experience on the Iraqi front earned from work for Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress. Col. James Treadwell, director of the Joint Psychological Operations Support Element, said TLG was selected to develop 'cutting-edge types of media,' including radio/TV ads, documentaries, text messages, Internet spots and podcasts for the U.S. military. The Pentagon expects to spend $3M in the first-year as a 'test,' and could spend up to $300M over five years if the 'psyops' operations conducted by TLG, SYColeman and Science Applications International Corp are deemed successful."" (link)
ok - all welll and good - who is The Lincoln Group?

well - according this wapo piece, they are*officially* psy-ops. a couple of things become clear at this point a) charlie black is at the center of everything b) everything u see in the media is controlled by the GOP - and has been for decades c) charlie is really good at this stuff d) its a very fucking small world e) if we assume the abramoff model (and we'd be stupid to think anything else) the money gets recycled though these channels back into the GOP for election fraud and presumably everything else

billmon - who is an old school journo (and a helluva writer) was completely taken aback by the Lincoln Group - go read the whole piece - but here's a snippett "Perhaps we shouldn't read too much into Iraqex's hiring policies" - (iraqex is the Lincoln Group - before a name-change) - he was referring to some iraqex hirings - "Swift worked for the Bush-Cheney campaign in Illinois, and Blessing worked for the state GOP"- as luck would have it, if im not mistaken, Pat Fitzgerald actually does have a problem with certain hiring practises in Illinois (which incidentally is the same scandal that we are contemporaneously watching in Kentucky - and perhaps in ohio)

billmon continues: "Lincoln Alliance has left light footprints on Google and Nexis. And the web address listed on the site has been redirected to the new Lincoln Group site -- which, as I mentioned, seems rather deliberately uninformative about the firm." - ive found the same thing looking into all the other organisations in this investigation - global promises, no footprints - if anyone can find me a website for Brewster Jennings, let me know.

billmon again, discussing Lincoln:
"So to sum up: We have a tiny start-up venture, controlled by persons unknown, that suddenly materializes in late 2003 doing "private equity" deals in the middle of a war zone, and then obtains a huge PR contract from the Pentagon, and then hires a bunch of unemployed GOP campaign operatives to execute that contract, and then is absorbed by a shadowy DC company that specializes in corporate and political detective work and that may have close ties to both the Republican Party and the intelligence community, which then is awarded an even bigger contract to produce even more Pentagon propaganda."
inadvertently, billmon also points to this:
"Collaborative Human Understanding of Networked Knowledge (CHUNK)

Lincoln has been pursuing research into the analysis of sensitive information through the use of networked information workers. Developed in 2001, the concept allows for the fusion and analysis of sensitive information through the atomization of key information while maintaining the anonymity and integrity of the source data. "
which sounds a little bit like the grandchild of Able Danger...

and billmon also points to this - which is a link between Lincoln and party-girl jennifer8 at the NYT

lets pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that within Fitzgerald's 8 redacted pages are the links between between Daley and Hastert and Plame and Perle and Feith and Bolton and Black and everyone else - the wait is nearly killing me